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BMW Test Drive

By Jim Rider

It all started in early 2002, I was watching the evening news and they ran a short piece on this FDA trial for something called Disc Replacement, What! Disc Replacement? What is that? I ran to the computer in the other room and did a Google search. So about a year after hearing about Disc Replacement on the news I was off to see Dr. Ritter-Lang in Germany for my surgery.

For now let’s just leave it at “It was a great success!”

Over the years my relationship with Dr. Ritter-Lang and Stenum Hospital has grown and I have spent many hours discussing the challenges of Disc Replacement, the products, and the outcomes with my friend and surgeon.

After many trips to Germany I decided to buy a new BMW and pick it up in Munich. Here is the story…

My websites,,,, and many others take thousands of hits a month and continue to educate people about Disc Replacement Surgery.

So now let me teach you what I have learned, and I will try to do it in plain English, ready?

Next Chapter – Motion – A Natural State > >

The Disc Replacement Book – A Back in Motion

By Jim Rider

About the Author

Motion – A Natural State

The Evolution of Disc Replacement

Surgical Options – Fusion – The Gold Standard?

Disc Replacement Procedure – Dr. Jan Spiller, Chief Orthopedic Surgeon

Disc Replacement Studies

Disc Replacement FAQ

Disc Replacement Surgeons

Disc Replacement Success Stories

Stenum and Back – My Disc Replacement Story – 2003

Free MRI Review